Session 38: Endurance
2 x 250/300 mix
> M1 (100 choice swim,100 IMO drills,100 choice pull-no pads)
> M2 (150 choice swim,100 pull [25Br25Fr]-no pads)
100 Fly Drill (R-Arm only) fins > breathe to side. 100 Fr kicks 4/5 x 50 Fr build @ 1:30/1:20
100 Fly Drill (L-Arm only) fins > breathe to side. 100 Br kicks 4/5 x 50 Fr build @ 1:30/1:20
100 Fly Drill (2R2L2D) fins 100 Ba kicks 4/5 x 50 Fr build @ 1:30/1:20
100 Fly Drill (3w1fly str) fins 100 Fly kicks 4/5 x 50 Fr build @ 1:30/1:20
100 swim down